Historical Society of

Shawangunk and Gardiner !

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Dues can be paid through PayPal or Credit Card
Single $20,  Family $30,  Supporting or Business $50,  Patron $100,  Benefactor $250  Student $15

Membership Type (tax deductible)

Help the Historical Society with the renovations of the 1769 Andries DuBois House with a small tax-deductible donation ($5 - $20). Every dollar helps
MISSION STATEMENT In one of the oldest settled townships in the U.S, The Historical Society of Shawangunk & Gardiner preserves historic buildings, stories, records, and artifacts. It shares them with the community through absorbing and inspiring programs, strengthening a shared understanding of local history. .
Harold Van Aken
8 Malloy rd.
Wallkill, NY 12589

Email: hvanaken@gmail.com

Phone: 845-895-3321
Historical Society of Shawangunk & Gardiner
Box 570
Wallkill, NY 12589

Andries DuBois House (1769)
75 Wallkill Ave
Wallkill, NY 12589
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