Phinney House (Cornelius Bruyn)

Article Name
Phinney Home Remembered   -  April 1965 - Page 1 
Behind the Wallkill Savings and Loan building on Wallkill Avenue.       MAP <click>

Until 1900 the whole hamlet on this side of the Wallkill River was built on what was to become the old Phinney property. On the north the property joined the Andires DuBois Farm.  The east and South sides along the Wallkill Avenue and Route 300, to the end of  Viola Street, joined the Cornelius Hasbrouck land which was the Borden farm.

  • Cornelius Bruyn
  • Van Kleek
  • Coy
  • Anna & Hollister Brown
  • Transition Metal Company
  • Savings and Loan
Built by Cornelius Bruyn in 1776
*1892 - Mr. Coy was employed by the Paper Mill
*1900 They bought the house and were the last to live in it- descendant of Cornelius Bruyn

* Owned by Hat factory until the plan close and then was sold to the Savings and Loan

*1964 it was demolished to make room for the bank
* 2004 Bank expanded to cover the location of the cow and horse barn
Names mentioned
*Edward Moore setup a Blacksmith shop in 1900 in the horse barn
*Thomas Casalette bought the building in a couple of years and converted it to a residence for his father-in-law Alex Petrie.
Other Structures
Horse Barn and Cow Barn on the location of the Valley Food Market (Burned in 1973 when the steel building next to it caught fire from welding)
Other Information
A 1 inch square wooden pipe ran from a spring on 3rd street to the barn
April 1965

